4 min read

Application Username


The application username is the unique identifier of a user in your own database.

It will uniquely identify one of your Customers in our system, will be sent with webhook calls and can be used to fetch information using the API

Application usernames are sent by clients alongside a receipt when making a receipt validation request, this allows iaptic to associate new purchases with that user, depending on the entitlement strategy you have chosen.

How to send the application username?

Best practices

The application username should be an anonymous identifier, at least from iaptic's perspective: an internal ID on your database, number or random string that cannot be tracked back to any actual person.

In particular, refrain from using a plain-text email. If emails are the primary key in your system, hash them first when linking the application username to your receipt. Our plugins include an implementation of the md5 hash sum for this purpose.

You have no users database?

In case you do not have a users database, we still need a way to uniquely identify a user so we can track its entitlements to purchases or subscriptions he might have purchased, cancelled, etc.

In this case, you can send a random string, like a UUID locally generated and stored on the device of the user. This way, you will have a way to tell what features to unlock for a given device, for example by storing on your server the UUID and the status of the associated purchases.

See Also