Interface IapticOffer

Pricing offer for an In-App Product

interface IapticOffer {
    id: string;
    offerToken?: string;
    offerType: "Default" | "Introductory" | "Subscription";
    platform: IapticPurchasePlatform;
    pricingPhases: IapticPricingPhase[];
    productGroup?: null | string;
    productId: string;
    productType?: IapticProductType;


id: string

Offer identifier

offerToken?: string

Offer token (if any)

offerType: "Default" | "Introductory" | "Subscription"

Type of offer

Platform of the product

pricingPhases: IapticPricingPhase[]

Pricing phases for this offer

productGroup?: null | string

Subscription group (if any)

productId: string

Product identifier

productType?: IapticProductType

Type of product (subscription, consumable, etc.)