Error: Bad response from the server
Error: Client is not allowed to issue the request
Error: The device could not connect to the network.
Error: The user has not allowed access to Cloud service information
Error: The user has revoked permission to use this cloud service.
Error: Failed to communicate with the server
Error: Failed to download the content
Error: Cannot finalize a transaction or acknowledge a purchase
Error: The offer identifier is invalid.
Error: The price you specified in App Store Connect is no longer valid.
Error: The product identifier is invalid
Error: The signature in a payment discount is not valid.
Error: Failed to load in-app products metadata
Error: Failed to load the purchase receipt
Error: Parameters are missing in a payment discount.
Error: Purchase information is missing token
Error: Purchase flow has been cancelled by user
Error: Payment has expired
Error: Something is suspicious about a purchase
Error: The user is not allowed to make a payment
Error: The user has not yet acknowledged Apple's privacy policy
Error: The requested product is not available in the store.
Error: Failed to make a purchase
Error: Failed to refresh the store
Error: Failed to refresh the purchase receipt
Error: Failed to intialize the in-app purchase library
Error: Failed to update a subscription
Error: Subscriptions are not available
Error: The app is attempting to use a property for which it does not have the required entitlement.
Error: Unknown error
Server code used when a subscription expired.
Error: Verification of store data failed
Error codes