Enumeration IapticCancelationReason

Reason why a subscription has been canceled

Enumeration Members

CUSTOMER: "Customer"

Subscription canceled by the user for an unspecified reason.

CUSTOMER_COST: "Customer.Cost"

Customer canceled for cost-related reasons.

CUSTOMER_FOUND_BETTER_APP: "Customer.FoundBetterApp"

Customer claimed to have found a better app.

CUSTOMER_NOT_USEFUL_ENOUGH: "Customer.NotUsefulEnough"

Customer did not feel he is using this service enough.

CUSTOMER_OTHER_REASON: "Customer.OtherReason"

Subscription canceled for another reason; for example, if the customer made the purchase accidentally.

CUSTOMER_PRICE_INCREASE: "Customer.PriceIncrease"

Customer did not agree to a recent price increase. See also priceConsentStatus.

CUSTOMER_TECHNICAL_ISSUES: "Customer.TechnicalIssues"

Customer canceled their transaction due to an actual or perceived issue within your app.

DEVELOPER: "Developer"

Subscription canceled by the developer.


Not canceled

SYSTEM: "System"

Subscription canceled by the system for an unspecified reason.

SYSTEM_BILLING_ERROR: "System.BillingError"

Billing error; for example customer's payment information is no longer valid.

SYSTEM_DELETED: "System.Deleted"

Transaction is gone; It has been deleted.

SYSTEM_PRODUCT_UNAVAILABLE: "System.ProductUnavailable"

Product not available for purchase at the time of renewal.

SYSTEM_REPLACED: "System.Replaced"

Subscription upgraded or downgraded to a new subscription.

UNKNOWN: "Unknown"

Subscription canceled for unknown reasons.