Interface PricingPhase

Represents a pricing phase for an offer


  • PricingPhase


billingPeriod: string

ISO 8601 duration (e.g., 'P1M' for 1 month)

currency: string

Currency code (e.g., 'USD', 'EUR')

paymentMode: "PayAsYouGo" | "PayUpFront"

When payment is collected:

  • PayAsYouGo: Payment collected at the start of each period
  • PayUpFront: Full payment collected at purchase
priceMicros: number

Price in micros (1/1,000,000 of the currency unit)


How the subscription recurs:

  • INFINITE_RECURRING: Subscription continues until cancelled
  • NON_RECURRING: One-time purchase
  • FINITE_RECURRING: Subscription ends after a set number of periods

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